Pilot tragically died on 17th April 2007 when he suffered a badly broken leg. Our vets could do nothing for him except to help him to die peacefully. He was a lovely bay Thououghbred, 16 hand high, with a very affectionate nature. He spent his days browsing around the fields or lazing in the big barn with his horse friends. He loved to come in for some human attention and in winter he came in every day for his feed and never needed to be haltered or led to find his way from his field to his box.
His rider was an Elvis Presley fan and I think she would have liked this to be Pilot's song. It can be saved on our Midi pages
Pilot found a new friend when Aileen Brown came to Blaikiewell to visit her adopted Goblin. Aileen fell for Pilot and he for her, as you can see from their photo.
Many thanks to Aileen and her parents for their continued support.