Tegan's Page

Tegan was a beautiful strawberry roan about 14 hh. She was a much loved pony before she came to retire at Blaikiewell. Her former owner still donated generously every month. Tegan became inseparable from her friend Viking but then changed her affections to Shamrock, who protected her with his life. Tegan was 35.

Tegan and Viking

Tegan losing her winter coat



Tegan 8/8/19

Tegan waits while Shamrock has his feet trimmed

Blaikiewell Animal Sanctuary

Please send a donation to our horses. No amount is too small
You can pay through Paypal
to: mpetrie@blaikiewell.org.uk
(send to "friends or family" to save fees)
or by post: Cheque payable to:
Blaikiewell Animal Sanctuary, Eastland Lodge, Maryculter,
Aberdeen. AB12 5FS


Blaikiewell Animal Sanctuary