http://www.vivisection.info/ Links, forum, sample campaign letter, J.I. petition and info.

For travel to the Judicial Inquiry rally and march on the 7th September email cat@vivisection.info for details of where minibuses or coaches are leaving from in the UK.

The Judicial Inquiry Campaign

PO Box 38552

Independent Judicial Inquiry Into Vivisection

Saturday 7th September
London 12noon

This is the date for the mass rally and march of the grass-roots with scientific anti-vivisection speakers.

One issue - vivisection is a totally flawed scientific methodology which murders millions - humans and non-humans annually, for profit. To change this we need everybody there to state our case. It is our absolute right to change what is protected by legislation and is a crime. We need the numbers so make this a diary date now.

Meet Carriage Drive at Hyde Park 12noon

March to the BBC for speeches and for anti-vivisection representatives to meet the BBC.

We will be requesting the BBC give airtime for an open real-time debate which will have equal numbers of self-chosen scientific representatives who will openly and publicly debate vivisection from the anti and pro sides. Qualified scientific anti-vivisection delegates and legal representatives (confirmed are VIN, EFMA, DLRM, SHAC, Countdown To Abolition and BAVA, more t.b.c.) will ask to meet with BBC representatives on Saturday 7th September to arrange for details of this event to take place. We are not anti-science and we are determined to show it. We have nothing to hide nor keep secrets so the BBC and vivisection lobby, after all their claims, should be keen to meet the challenge.

March to Trafalgar Square through Central London, for music, food and fun.

Leaflet distribution, food and drink in the Square courtesy of the Veggies Catering Campaign. Thank you speech to the assembled masses and decent company with mention of our intentions for future campaigning. Then on to music and further festiveness. Sound good to you ? Then get yourself there !!!!

Send copies of this everywhere, bring friends and loved ones, companion animals, and please post this to website diary dates.

More info and updates available by email cat@vivisection.info

Independent Judicial Inquiry Into Vivisection

Saturday 7th September